Technorati Profile Navigating Natural Health for Women: Fertility Expert Reveals how to GET Pregnant AND How to AVOID Getting Pregnant

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Fertility Expert Reveals how to GET Pregnant AND How to AVOID Getting Pregnant

Have you ever wondered if your ovulation or fertility app really works?  Couples are using them not only to GET pregnant, but also to avoid or delay pregnancy.    Here's a hint: it probably doesn't work unless you are identical to a text book, every single month of your life.  Our patients are shocked to learn that their app is most often  wrong when compared to more personal ways of tracking your most fertile days. Apps usually just use "typical fertile days" depending on when you start your menstruation and how long your cycle lasts.  This is a HUGE mistake as not every woman ovulates on Day 14 and menstruates on Day 28. There is a laundry list of challenges women don't even know they are going through from luteal phase defect to un-diagnosed PCOS to low AMH all affect ovulation and a woman's most fertile days.

Our natural fertility expert in the Boise and Treasure Valley Area serves the entire nation guiding them to their fertile awakening and finally getting pregnant.  Private, intensive, medical evaluations are offered nationwide by calling here (208) 938-1277.  With over 500 babies born mostly to women and men who were told they may never have children, need IVF or must use and egg donor or have less than 1% chance of conceiving, our statistics are off the charts.

Romper interviewed our fertility expert, Kristen Burris, L.Ac. M.S.T.O.M. on how to figure out your most fertile days for couples who are trying to get pregnant and those who are trying NOT to get pregnant. You'll be shocked at how you have been doing it wrong all this time. Read the article for tips on how to discover your most fertile days.

For couples TRYING  to get pregnant we suggest one of two methods: either have intercourse every other day during your fertile window or every day during your fertile window. The article will outline how to figure out your most fertile days. Often coupling the family planning method with an Ava bracelet and an ovulation predictor kit, you can figure out your most fertile days in no time.

For couples trying to AVOID PREGNANCY: We suggest no intercourse 5 days leading up to and during your most fertile days, plus 2 extra days for security post ovulation to prevent pregnancy.

For your individualized fertility assessment and plan call our office for your own recommendations and to get pregnant (208) 938-1277.

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