Technorati Profile Navigating Natural Health for Women: October 2010

Monday, October 18, 2010

Making Mother's Milk

Often women are bombarded with what not to do when pregnant and post-partum but are at a loss as to what to do! Here are a list of foods that helps increase lactation enabling a woman to breast feed longer or be stuck to the annoying breast milk pump less often. Pumping is an emotional and physical drain so increasing milk production can bring tremendous relief to the over-taxed new Mom. It takes a tremendous amount of blood to engender milk in a woman's body so many of these foods help build blood producing more milk and energy for the tired mom.

What to Eat for Lactating Mother's:

Carrots-help increase milk production and regulates all hormones post-partum

Chicken-Aids lactation

Shrimp-Increases lactation (be sure the shrimp are from clean waters)

Lamb-Increases overall body warmth and improves lactation.

Peanuts and the red skins- Eaten to increase milk supply

Soybeans- Boosts milk secretion in nursing mothers (buy organic to avoid GMO's)

Sweet Potatoes- Increase quantity of milk in nursing mothers

Dark leafy Greens- Build blood to enhances production of milk

Black Sesame Seeds- Not only do the seed contain a large amount of calcium and naturally lubricate the bowels which tend to be constipated after pain medication and iron supplements but it also increases milk supply.

During lactation women are at an increased need for Calcium. Foods rich in Calcium include: seaweed (sprinkle on popcorn or soups- seriously, it's better than it sounds), Almonds (3 1/2 oz. have 233 milligrams of Calcium), Sunflower Seeds (3 1/2 oz. have 174 milligrams), Garbanzo and Black Beans 3 1/2 oz. have over 135 milligrams of Calcium)
Aim to drink 100 fluid ounces of water daily. Simple dehydration can cause insufficient lactation. It takes a large amount of water for a woman to produce milk for her new born baby.

Drink tea specifically formulated to enhance milk production in lactating mother's. We carry the Organic Traditional Medicinals "Organic Mother's Milk" in our practice which includes: bitter fennel, aniseed fruit, coriander fruit, fenugreek seed, blessed thistle herb, spearmint, lemongrass leaf, verbena leaf and marsh mellow root.

If all the above fails seek help from an Acupuncturists. We always have success in just a few treatments often doubling the mother's milk output. A great way to find an Acupuncturist who specializes in pre and post-partum Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine is to go to

Friday, October 15, 2010

Fool Proof Remedies for Improved Sleep During Pregnancy

The top three reasons a pregnant Mom can't sleep

1. Pain or discomfort

2. Hunger (even if she isn't aware she is hungry)

3. Disruptive Bathroom Breaks

1. Pain or discomfort

Best position after 20 weeks pregnant is on the left side with a pillow under your neck, knees and sometimes one to hug and one to press against your lumbar area (low back). Chiroflow pillows are great because you can fill half the pillow with water to accomodate your personal neck posture. Acupuncture is safe and effective for any type of muscle or joint pain during pregnancy. If your sleep is being disrupted by pain go right away to an Acupuncturist who specializes in women's health and treatment during pregnancy; a great place to find a licensed Acupuncturist is An added bonus: the number one side-effect from acupuncture is improved sleep; so in reality you get a two for one for your acupuncture treatment benefits.

2. Hunger (even if she isn't aware she is hungry)

Be sure to eat a snack right before bed that is small and has protein. Good examples: Four whole wheat crackers with almond or peanut butter, a cup of whole fat yogurt, 1/4 cup of nuts like cashews or almonds. The caloric increase needed to grow a baby in-utero is 500 extra calories a day. By eating a snack before bed you prevent your body from thinking you are not "starving" while you sleep away at night time. Sometimes the snack is needed when you are suffering from insomnia. Put the snack on your bedside table and chew a few bites and then go back to dreamland.

3. Disruptive Bathroom Breaks

During the day be conscious about getting enough water aiming for around 100 fluid oz. By 5:00pm you want to taper your drinking to sips only when needed. Be sure to empty your bladder right before bed for this will reduce the number of times you may need to get up in the middle of the night to urinate.