Technorati Profile Navigating Natural Health for Women: Heart in Hands: reflecting our inner health

Monday, February 14, 2011

Heart in Hands: reflecting our inner health

I believe that fingers and toes are a window into who we are and how our bodies are functioning. As far as who we are: the care of filing, moistening. pampering and even painting our hands and feet are a reflection of self love. Abandon our outward extension of our selves, particularly our hands, and we show the world we care little of ourselves or dedicate too much time to others. The feet are hidden from the world and is visual reflection of how we feel about ourselves when no one is looking.

As far as how our bodies are functioning: Our hands and feet are miniature road maps to the health of the inner functioning of our organs. If our hands are dappled with liver spots then our liver is overburdened with environmental toxins, pesticides, drugs, smoking or even anger issues. If our hands and feet show bulging purple veins or possibly delicate spider veins, our heart health and circulation is at risk often expressing depression or stagnated emotions. If our hands and feet are puffy and swollen then our lungs are not functioning properly and we may be suffering from repressed grief. With the proper expert in Chinese medicine these outward reflections of dysfunction in the body can be resolved and health restored.

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