Technorati Profile Navigating Natural Health for Women: Sleeping Tips for your Newborn Baby

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Sleeping Tips for your Newborn Baby

You probably have read several books about newborns already and you may feel overwhelmed even before your baby is born.

The best thing you can do for your baby is to listen to your heart, your inner voice and your instincts. What worked for your sister may not work for your baby. Here are some basic guidelines to keep your mind at ease and get as much rest as you and your baby can.

Never Wake a Sleeping Baby- Follow this rule as often as possible rearranging your life for a couple of weeks around your baby. She will be happier and will sleep longer day and night. (The only time not to abide by this rule is if your baby is not thriving and must wake to be fed)

Co-Sleeper for Easy Access- This is fantastic for quiet babies who nurse easily. The co-sleeper attaches to the bed so there are now worries about rolling on your baby. If your baby snorts and makes funny noises putting him in his own room with a monitor may be better for you at night.

Night-time Repetitive Routine- Make your night-time routine different from all other nap times yet be sure torepeat an identical process every evening. You could sing songs before bed or play the same soft song on a CD player or you may even add lavender to an aroma therapy ball. This way your baby will learn quickly it's time to sleep for a longer stretch.

If your baby is a terrible sleeper i.e. wakes every 2 hours to be fed, cries with feedings and when you change his diaper or lay him down this may be a serious indication that he has GERD gastroesphogeal reflux disease. He will need to see a specialist and may need to be medicated. In the meantime allow him to sleep in her swing, bouncy seat or buy a special sling to allow gravity to pull down the acid. Acupuncture for infants can also relieve some symptoms. Kristen N. Burris, L.Ac., M.S.T.O.M. is a nationally recognized Acupuncturist and Herbalist who has been featured in Parenting Magazine, Natural Health Magazine, National Public Radio (NPR) and KUSI TV News. Ms. Burris' expertise includes pediatrics with natural medicine giving thousands of treatments to babies as young as one week old. Children come for all types of chronic medical problems including: colic, GERD, ADD, constipation, allergies, chronic ear infections and digestive problems. She and her husband Tony Burris, L.Ac., M.S.T.O.M treat patients with acupuncture, herbal medicine and nutrition as natural medicine in their family-owned, private practice, American Acupuncture Center in Eagle, Idaho.


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