Technorati Profile Navigating Natural Health for Women: Ear Infections Treated Without Antibiotics

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Ear Infections Treated Without Antibiotics

Acupuncture (needle-less) for ear infections work wonders. We use a special machine we call the tickle machine that does not cause your child any discomfort during treatment but can still stimulate acupuncture points.
We treat acute ear infections really well (that means it just started in the last one- three weeks) and we also resolve chronic, stubborn ear infections that are antibiotic resistant, painful and difficult to treat. Families that have been riddled with allergies, ear infections and fevers find healing here.
1. Ear Infections with or without fever
2. Allergies
3. Digestive Upset either Constipation or Diarrhea or Tummy Aches
4. Insomnia or Nightmares and Night Terrors
5. Emotional Imbalances from tantrums to anxiety 

A lot of parents are turning to natural ways to treat their children's health problems. With drugs come risks and side-effects.  Parents want their children to get better but not cause another problem to arrive from the treatment. Children love acupuncture.  Why?  Because with our gentle, needleless approach, they feel better in a way they have never experienced before.  They get the stress reduction benefits of endorphins and feel good hormones to help reduce pain, sleep better and even manage their emotions more easily. 


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