Tics, Spasms and Tourettes is a frustrating medical condition that rarely gets a referral out for Acupuncture, although they all should.
For the person suffering they are embarrassing, uncontrollable, annoying and can cause serious muscular pain throughout the body, social out-casting and difficulties in school.
For the person suffering they are embarrassing, uncontrollable, annoying and can cause serious muscular pain throughout the body, social out-casting and difficulties in school.
Traditional medical options only offer serious prescription medications that come with many undesirable side-effects that and be so intense that a person's entire personality and affect is changed.
Neuro-behavioral therapies have limited success and in the Treasure Valley charge $314 per visit for a child.
An 8 year old little boy starting having severe and uncontrollable neck twisting spasms that started out of the blue. He was having this extremely uncomfortable twisting sensation that would violently turn his head laterally and then down to his chest. At the onset he was having this occur once every 5-10 seconds all day long. It would only stop once he was asleep.
His mother took him to his pediatrician and she diagnosed him as having "tics" but wanted to rule out seizures and other more serious diseases. It took months to be seen by a local neurologist so in the meantime, she sought out alternatives.
Although this family has used Chiropractic care for many ailments over the year, successfully, the treatments were making her son worse and no matter how gentle, they caused him pain. She increased his magnesium and water intake with no obvious change.
She then had pediatric herbal medicine and acupuncture (pediatric needless tickle machine treatments) administered and this was life changing. Within a few treatments his tics had all but resolved and were much less noticable and less painful.
The neurologist (after a 5 month wait) ruled out scary diseases and said he had "tics" and would either get worse or better, only time would tell. No treatment prescribed and the doctor had no knowledge of whether acupuncture would be a good treatment option, even after reading this article she had no advice either way.
The neurobehavorial psychologist was nice and friendly but there were no noticeable changes after $2,200.00 in bills. The family decided that service was doing nothing for their son so they stopped all together.
Now, when he has a flare of tics, he comes in for 2 acupuncture sessions and they subside. The treatment has been painless and extraordinarily successful.
Boys are three to five times more likely to have tics compared to girls and often outgrow them in adolescents but sometimes do not. But why have your child suffer? The discomfort can be really upsetting and the social shunning even more damaging. If you know someone suffering from tics, spams or tourettes encourage them to seek help at Eagle Acupuncture (208) 938-1277.
*Motor Tics
Simple motor tics involve a single muscle group. Complex motor tics usually involve more than one muscle group and can even look like the person is doing the tic on purpose. Simple motor tics include:- nose wrinkling
- head twitching
- eye blinking
- lip biting
- facial grimacing
- shoulder shrugging
- kicking
- skipping
- jumping
- mimicking movements by others
- smelling objects
Vocal Tics
Simple vocal tics involve one simple sound. Complex vocal tics involve more meaningful speech (like words). Simple vocal tics include:- coughing
- throat clearing
- grunting
- sniffing
- barking
- hissing
- repeating words and phrases
- animal sounds
- calling out
- yelling
* Source: Kidshealth.org
Read this amazing study proving the success we had at Eagle Acupuncture. This study shows that acupuncture is more effective than drugs for Tourettes.
It is a great website.. The Design looks very good.. Keep working like that!. spams