Organic Raw Unfiltered
Apple Cider Vinegar (not the crystal clear kind you find in your average
grocery store) is Way More Than Just a Zesty Salad Dressing Ingredient.
Keep this stocked in
your pantry as a go to all around best food for medicinal uses.
Bad Mood: Take a
Tablespoon of Raw Organic Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV). Sounds terrible but you
actually get used to it. One of my favorite brands is Braggs. The Vinegar helps
cleanse the liver soothing frustration, anger and even PMS.
Acne: Better yet, due to
its ability to help regulate a healthy alkaline Ph balance it can be used to
clear up acne, scars and even some brown spots from sun damage or the natural
aging process we all detest. Take a shot a day as a morning energy boost and
apply to your face as a twice daily toner.
Sunburn: We have all
been the victim of a bad burn. Lying helplessly in bed moaning isn't going to
soothe the painful, hot burning sensation. Run a lukewarm bath and add 3 cups
of ACV. This helps soothe your burn and take some of the sting out. Eating
plenty of watermelon too helps restore the fluid lost from a sunburn and the
Vitamins A and C help with cellular turnover that is essential for healthy new
skin to repair damaged, burned skin.
Weight Loss: In a 2009
study published in Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, people
who consumed acetic acid (the main ingredient found in ACV) for 12 weeks
experienced significant declines in body weight, abdominal fat, waist
circumference and triglycerides. Triglycerides contribute to producing the bad
LDL cholesterol that we want to avoid to keep our arteries and heart healthy.
Take 1 Tablespoon, three times a day for optimal results.
Allergies: ACV facilitates
the elimination of mucous throughout the body and cleanses the lymph nodes. Not
surprisingly, research has proven that apple cider vinegar can address
allergies due to its ability to reduce mucous in sinus cavities and sinus
congestion. Avoid all citrus and dairy when struggling with mucous congestion
as both generate the production of fluid and makes mucus much worse.
PMS, Sugar Cravings and Blood Crashes:
ACV is loaded with natural enzymes that can enable your body to stave off
candida. Candida is often the cause of fatigue, poor memory, sugar cravings,
and yeast infections all of which are common symptoms in women who suffer from
PMS. If you are having a blood sugar crash drink a cup of orange juice and then
consume some protein to help keep your blood sugar stabilized: a handful of almonds,
a cheese stick, a hard-boiled egg or half a chicken breast should help. If you
have blood sugar problems often and diabetes has been ruled out, you will want
to consider going gluten free. Gluten sensitivity in many individuals
challenges your insulin balance in your body causing excessive blood sugar
crashes daily.
Heartburn: We all know
what to avoid: caffeine, chocolate, greasy foods, spicy foods but resolving
heartburn quickly can be challenging. ACV also ironically although acidic, ACV
itself helps soothe heartburn for many sufferers. If your heartburn continues
however, you may have an ulcer which needs proper medical attention and will
not be resolved with ACV consumption. The great news is if you are pregnant ACV
is safe to consume and can help soothe the burn.
Kristen N. Burris, L.Ac., M.S.T.O.M.
Women's Health Expert
Burris, L.Ac., M.S.T.O.M., Dip. Ac. was voted Top Doc 2010 in Eagle and
Business Person of the Year 2011-2012. Ms Burris won the prestigious National
Association of Women Business Owner of the year 2013 and receives referrals
from doctors throughout the US including Dr. Mehmet Oz. She is the founder and
medical director of Eagle Acupuncture. She is a nationally-recognized
practitioner in the field of women’s health: menopause, irregular menstrual
cycles, migraines, digestive problems, pain and fertility enhancement. Ms.
Burris combines her skills of acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, and
nutrition with her compassionate approach to promote health in her patients.
Kristen Burris has been featured in USA Today, Woman’s Day, MSNBC, Yahoo News,
Parents, Parenting, Natural Health,& Better Nutrition magazines, The San
Diego Union Tribune, The Miami Herald, NPR radio, KBOI TV and KUSI TV. Ms.
Burris taught graduate school at Pacific College of Oriental Medicine in San
Diego, California, one of the most respected colleges in the field of
integrative medicine. Throughout her career she has also treated patients at:
San Diego Hospice, UC-San Diego Free Clinic, UC-San Diego Dental Acupuncture
Study and at the leading fertility centers in California.
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