Technorati Profile Navigating Natural Health for Women: Battle of Sexes

Monday, February 7, 2011

Battle of Sexes

It's true! I have the answer to your age old question. I wasn't sure if you were looking for one couple in Florida or both a couple and an explanation. I have your answer to the old truth about why women are so much colder than men and what you can actually do to balance the temperature variation of the sexes.

We all know the idea of Yin and Yang. It has become so popular we hear it in commercials and in common language banter and conversations.

I will break it down so it actually makes sense.

Yin represents everything that is female: Cold, Soft, Quiet, Demur, Supple, Receiving

Yang represents everything that is male: Hot, Hard, Loud, Aggressive, Firm, Penetrating

We all have some Yin (our Mother's DNA) in us and we all have some Yang (our Father's DNA) in us. Women who are too cold have too much Yin or too many female qualities in their body and must be warmed to have balance ( a simple tip: Drink Ginger and Cinnamon Tea it's warming) . Men who are too hot have too much Yang or too many male qualities in their body and must be cooled down ( A simple Tip Drink Mint Tea it's cooling).

Acupuncture and individualized herbal medicine can restore balance in your body and harmony in your thermostat.

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