Technorati Profile Navigating Natural Health for Women: February 2011

Monday, February 14, 2011

Heart in Hands: reflecting our inner health

I believe that fingers and toes are a window into who we are and how our bodies are functioning. As far as who we are: the care of filing, moistening. pampering and even painting our hands and feet are a reflection of self love. Abandon our outward extension of our selves, particularly our hands, and we show the world we care little of ourselves or dedicate too much time to others. The feet are hidden from the world and is visual reflection of how we feel about ourselves when no one is looking.

As far as how our bodies are functioning: Our hands and feet are miniature road maps to the health of the inner functioning of our organs. If our hands are dappled with liver spots then our liver is overburdened with environmental toxins, pesticides, drugs, smoking or even anger issues. If our hands and feet show bulging purple veins or possibly delicate spider veins, our heart health and circulation is at risk often expressing depression or stagnated emotions. If our hands and feet are puffy and swollen then our lungs are not functioning properly and we may be suffering from repressed grief. With the proper expert in Chinese medicine these outward reflections of dysfunction in the body can be resolved and health restored.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Menopause on Channel 2 KBOI Valentine's Day

Tune in Valentine's Day 10pm Channel 2 KBOI Boise, to watch a report on menopause striking early and how it affects women physically and emotionally.

Natalie Hurst from KBOI Channel 2 interviewed me and three of my patients to discuss the emotional and physical changes during menopause. Most women aren't aware of their natural but incredibly effective options when it comes to healthcare and hormonal imbalances. Peri-menopause can dramatically disrupt a womans life causing emotional outbursts, decreased sex drive, fuzzy headedness, short term memory problems, crying episodes, fatigue, low back pain, abdominal fat, weight gain, insomnia and frustrating hot flashes and night sweats. It was wonderful to witness the interview first hand hearing the remarakable changes my patients experienced with acupuncture and herbal medicine. They felt their lives were significantly improved with no scary side-effects. A woman wants to age gracefully and not be fearful of her medical choices. Acupuncture and herbal medicine can do that for women suffering from peri-menopausal symptoms.

During the interview there was a portion where the women sat and shared their experiences and it was beautiful to watch. You could feel the passion they felt for natural medicine and how significanlty it changed their lives. There was a sense of comaraderie and compassion shared between these women who had just met that evening for the first time.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Battle of Sexes

It's true! I have the answer to your age old question. I wasn't sure if you were looking for one couple in Florida or both a couple and an explanation. I have your answer to the old truth about why women are so much colder than men and what you can actually do to balance the temperature variation of the sexes.

We all know the idea of Yin and Yang. It has become so popular we hear it in commercials and in common language banter and conversations.

I will break it down so it actually makes sense.

Yin represents everything that is female: Cold, Soft, Quiet, Demur, Supple, Receiving

Yang represents everything that is male: Hot, Hard, Loud, Aggressive, Firm, Penetrating

We all have some Yin (our Mother's DNA) in us and we all have some Yang (our Father's DNA) in us. Women who are too cold have too much Yin or too many female qualities in their body and must be warmed to have balance ( a simple tip: Drink Ginger and Cinnamon Tea it's warming) . Men who are too hot have too much Yang or too many male qualities in their body and must be cooled down ( A simple Tip Drink Mint Tea it's cooling).

Acupuncture and individualized herbal medicine can restore balance in your body and harmony in your thermostat.

Skin Solutions During Pregnancy

PUPS, eczema and psoriasis are common and frustrating skin disorders that occur during pregnancy where traditional medicine has nothing to offer the suffering patient other than ineffective topical creams.

Acupuncture is a safe and effective treatment for any skin disorder that is itchy, red, pus filled and aggravating. We are able to clear inflammation, itchiness and exudation much to the pregnant woman's relief. Skin conditions can be so horrible the pregnant Mother can hardly sleep and she scratches so deeply she causes bleeding and scabbing all over her body.

An easy salve to use at home is Calendula balm that often can soothe the itch temporarily. Always, use organic, non-toxic products like the ones available from Sierra Sage Herbs made by a local midwife and sold in my practice or on her website.

Kristen Burris, L.Ac., M.S.T.O.M. is a nationally known and sought after fertility expert in the U.S. Patients have travelled as far as London, England for her fertility and pregnancy expertise. She has been featured in national health magazine such as: USA Today, Woman’s Day, Parenting Magazine, Natural Health, Better Nutrition, Achieving Families, Resolve Newsletter and Parents Magazine. She has also been the subject of newspaper feature stories in the San Diego Union Tribune and the Idaho Statesman, radio spots on NPR, K-POP and Pregtastic and television news magazine segments including: KUSI TV News in San Diego.

She served on the board of Resolve, the non-profit organization helping couples struggling with infertility. She has given treatment to hundreds of couples during the embryo transfers of their IVF cycles at the most prestigious fertility centers in the United States. Ms. Burris was the founder of Fertility Retreats for couples where 75% of the participants are now parents.