The prestigious Duke University found that Acupuncture is more effective than medication in reducing the frequency and severity in the treatment of migraines and chronic headaches. We concur that the findings at Duke University are proven to be true in our practice as well. Patients seek our expertise because they are desperate and cannot function from the debilitating pain inflicted by migraines.
Researchers analyzed over 30 studies involving almost 4,000 people compiling data published in the December issue of Anesthesia and Analgesia proving the effectiveness of acupuncture for the treatment of migraines, tension headaches and chronic headaches. The results were dramatically in favor of acupuncture proving that 62% of the patients being treated with acupuncture had significant relief as apposed to only 45% of patients being treated with drugs.
In our practice men, women and even children seek our care for the debilitating pain inflicted by migraines. A large percentage of our patients suffer from migraines and chronic headaches. All of them have found their medication prescribed is not effective in managing their migraines. Acupuncture and herbal medicine is tremendously effective in reducing not only the level of pain experienced by the patient but also how frequently the suffer from migraines. During their first treatment the majority of our patients have a reduction in pain from 50-100% resolved. Follow-up treatments are necessary to prevent future attacks. We treat patients using acupuncture, herbal medicine and analysing their diet eliminating the obvious and sometimes not so apparent things that can aggravate their symptoms.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Duke University Proves Migraine Relief With Acupuncture
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