Technorati Profile Navigating Natural Health for Women: Sensational Skin Divine Detox

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Sensational Skin Divine Detox

For a divine detox this year go deep. Seek out an acupuncturist who knows about anti-aging and facial rejuvenation. There are specific acupuncture points on the body that improve the Liver's function aiding in detoxification of your entire body dramatically improving your skin's brilliance. A skilled herbalist can prescribe herbal medicine to slow aging, diminish wrinkles and fade liver spots. The same prescription can be applied topically to your face with a yogurt mask. This enhances the bio-available ingredients absorption producing glowing skin. The acupuncture improves tone, significantly reduces wrinkles and brings radiance to a dull complexion.
Hydrating moistens your skin externally and helps your body naturally detoxify. Be sure to drink a minimum of 64 oz of filtered water daily (the average person drinks 18 oz daily). Keep up with your vitamins particularly EPA/DHA Fish oils that are moistening to the skin 1,200 mg daily.
For sensational skin this is a must do:

Include 3,000 mg of vitamin C and drink 3 cups of Green Tea daily to slow aging and improve the quality of your skin. Apply the steeped tea bags as a facial mask to diminish your brown spots for 20 minutes a week.

Here are My Top Three Detox Anti-Aging products of 2010.
These go easy on your over burdened liver and kidneys from holiday indulgences. Due to their natural ingredients they are easier for your body to process meaning less toxicity in your body expressing more radiant skin:

Radiance Cleanser from Burt's Bees with Coconut and Sunflower oils with Jojoba beads and fruit acids with royal jelly. It's cleansing, gently exfoliating and makes your skin baby soft.

Jason Natural Cosmetics Hyper-C Serum Anti-Aging Therapy for a deep moisturizer that smells great and slows the aging process.

Sierra Sage Aloe-E Daily Skin Repair Salve and Eye Cream- It is organic, luscious and fabulously moisturizing for my eyes, lip creases and dry hands. You can buy all of these products directly from American Acupuncture Center in Eagle, Idaho. 

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