Acupuncture is the most effective, non-drug, option we have. So why isn't everyone getting it? Some suspect it's because large organizations cannot figure out how to profit from it. Many won't refer out for something that doesn't bring in money for them or their organization personally. Doctors and nurses are under-educated when it comes to acupuncture. They just aren't being taught. Patients who have become dependent on opiod medications are often just cut off from receiving the prescription. They are not given a proper referral or even a suggestion to go get acupuncture.
Some prestigious medical institutions are utilizing acupuncture to help patients de-stress. Many don't understand why acupuncture works, they just know it does, so they keep suggesting it. As an Acupuncture expert I know exactly how it works and it's pretty straight forward. I will attach several articles in this post for your reading pleasure. Some are scientific in nature showing that acupuncture actually access parts of our brain to reduce cravings. Cravings are at the heart of the problem. If there is no craving, then the patient has a chance to stop. Other studies prove that acupuncture dumps natural, non-addictive, endorphins and enkephalins into the body alleviating pain and thus eliminating the need for the dangerous medication.
The next few paragraphs explain endorphins and enkephalins from