Technorati Profile Navigating Natural Health for Women: May 2018

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

What's Better Than IVF When You Can't Get Pregnant?

Sweet little ginger surprise! Look who stopped in today to celebrate his precious life! He's an all natural, acupuncture only infertility miracle! With Mom's permission here's their story in a very brief version: 1 year trying alone with no pregnancy, diagnosed with infertility female factor annovulation (no ovulation) , 2 failed Clomid treatments, 1 Clomid treatment resulted in an ectopic pregnancy heavily scarring her fallopian tube. 1 Failed trigger shot treatment. Then they decided to try Eagle Acupuncture Fertility treatments. Locally, we offer acupuncture, complex herbal medicine and neutraceutical recommendations for infertility and preventing ectopic pregnancies and miscarriages. Across the U.S. we offer consults on complex herbal medicine and neutraceuticals for both male factor, female factor, blocked fallopian tubes and recurrent miscarriage with astounding results.  

 We were able to get her to ovulate all on her own several times. A little over one year working together exclusively with acupuncture, we were able to encourage her body to ovulate a healthy egg and here he is: a gorgeous baby boy. 

His birth was fantastic and fast! Congratulations on the birth of your beautiful baby boy and thank you so very much with blessing us with your visit today!
For all of you Mom's-in-waiting we know it's really, really, hard waiting, especially the week of Mother's day. These Mother's were once right where you are now. Many feel hopeless and terrified that nothing will ever work.  Then, the miracle happens, often after years of waiting and trying. See the glow in her eyes. Keep that look in your minds eye, knowing and believing, that some day, you too will be a Mom.  Try to keep the faith and keep moving forward. Miracles happen here all of the time at Eagle Acupuncture.   
