Technorati Profile Navigating Natural Health for Women: October 2009

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Detox Tea Detriment

Detox Teas are attracting a lot of attention these days for weight loss, increased energy, and general detoxification of the body. The problem with many of these teas is that they are laced with stimulants that increase peristalsis causing bowel cramping, pain and diarrhea. Many of the teas actually leave the consumer more fatigued with a weakened digestive system.

Teas to avoid includes ingredients with purgatives stimulating the bowel aggressively including: Da Huang (Rhubarb Root) and Mang Xiao (Mirabilite or Glauber's Salt) these herbs should only be prescribed by a skilled Herbalist.

Teas that benefit digestion and are mild in effect and are safe for most include: Ginger, Dandelion Root, Peppermint, Fennel and Orange Peel.

Detox teas that include licorice should be avoided with people who have high blood pressure as this herb tends to raise blood pressure.

The best way to detox is to eliminate processed foods, alcohol, cigarettes and stressors in your life. Increase dark leafy greens, Vitamin C consumption (up to 5,000 milligrams), Take EPA/DHA Fish Oil 1,200 mg, and drink Green Tea daily. For an extra boost drink Raw Apple Cider Vinegar 2 TBs. for improved digestion and neutralizing toxins in the body.

For a more serious approach to detoxification I like the 28 Day Detoxification program in The Whole Life Nutrition Cookbook- Whole Foods Recipes for Personal and Planetary Health by Alissa Segersten and Tom Malterre, M.S., C.N. -- Kristen N. Burris, L.Ac., M.S.T.O.M. is a nationally recognized Acupuncturist and Herbalist who has been featured in Parenting Magazine, Natural Health Magazine, National Public Radio (NPR) and KUSI TV News. Ms. Burris' expertise includes: women’s health, fertility, pregnancy, difficult menstrual cycles, menopausal symptoms, digestive problems, and pain. Ms. Burris has also taught acupuncture to graduate students at Pacific College of Oriental Medicine. She and her husband Tony Burris, L.Ac., M.S.T.O.M treat patients with acupuncture, herbal medicine and nutrition as natural medicine in their family-owned, private practice, American Acupuncture Center in Eagle, Idaho. Ms. Burris has treated patients at Top Fertility Centers Nationwide, San Diego Hospice, University of California in San Diego (UCSD) Integrative Clinic, and for UCSD Dental Study.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Sleeping Tips for your Newborn Baby

You probably have read several books about newborns already and you may feel overwhelmed even before your baby is born.

The best thing you can do for your baby is to listen to your heart, your inner voice and your instincts. What worked for your sister may not work for your baby. Here are some basic guidelines to keep your mind at ease and get as much rest as you and your baby can.

Never Wake a Sleeping Baby- Follow this rule as often as possible rearranging your life for a couple of weeks around your baby. She will be happier and will sleep longer day and night. (The only time not to abide by this rule is if your baby is not thriving and must wake to be fed)

Co-Sleeper for Easy Access- This is fantastic for quiet babies who nurse easily. The co-sleeper attaches to the bed so there are now worries about rolling on your baby. If your baby snorts and makes funny noises putting him in his own room with a monitor may be better for you at night.

Night-time Repetitive Routine- Make your night-time routine different from all other nap times yet be sure torepeat an identical process every evening. You could sing songs before bed or play the same soft song on a CD player or you may even add lavender to an aroma therapy ball. This way your baby will learn quickly it's time to sleep for a longer stretch.

If your baby is a terrible sleeper i.e. wakes every 2 hours to be fed, cries with feedings and when you change his diaper or lay him down this may be a serious indication that he has GERD gastroesphogeal reflux disease. He will need to see a specialist and may need to be medicated. In the meantime allow him to sleep in her swing, bouncy seat or buy a special sling to allow gravity to pull down the acid. Acupuncture for infants can also relieve some symptoms. Kristen N. Burris, L.Ac., M.S.T.O.M. is a nationally recognized Acupuncturist and Herbalist who has been featured in Parenting Magazine, Natural Health Magazine, National Public Radio (NPR) and KUSI TV News. Ms. Burris' expertise includes pediatrics with natural medicine giving thousands of treatments to babies as young as one week old. Children come for all types of chronic medical problems including: colic, GERD, ADD, constipation, allergies, chronic ear infections and digestive problems. She and her husband Tony Burris, L.Ac., M.S.T.O.M treat patients with acupuncture, herbal medicine and nutrition as natural medicine in their family-owned, private practice, American Acupuncture Center in Eagle, Idaho.


Saturday, October 24, 2009

God Awful Gout

In my practice I treat Gout with diet, acupuncture and herbal medicine. I have personal experience with Gout being surprised by it's fiery pain when I was 3 months pregnant and carrying around my one year old on my hip. I was convinced I had broken my foot it was so excruciatingly painful. As I go hobbling into my favorite orthopaedist's office I was shocked when 1. he didn't even touch my foot and 2. made no dietary recommendations to treat Gout. Due to my pregnancy I was unable to treat it from a western perspective with toxic drugs anyways. It was a quick and worthless $350 visit to my local doc.

I knew immediately I needed foods to neutralize uric acid in my body including: cherries, blueberries, and strawberries. I was also keen to avoid purine-rich foods that were already part of my pregnancy no-no list: shellfish, alcohol, organ meat, gravies; and included some surprises like: spinach, asparagus, mushrooms, and cauliflower.

Gout attacks are caused by excessive deposit of uric acid in the joints (particularly the large toe) that crystallize and cause unbearable pain. Some people experience a rapid onset out of the blue, that is until they talk to me.  I had one patient who couldn't understand why she had unrelenting pain in her feet.  After further inquiry I suspected Gout.  Again, baffled she felt that was impossible "it was an old man's disease".  After I reviewed the unsuspecting culpirts in certain foods she shared her detox diet she has just put herself on....several pounds of spinach in a shake every day for several weeks and one evening out for all you can eat shrimp. 

Her body was most likely bombarded with uric acid causing the upbrupt onset.  I treated her with acupuncture and dietary changes using the principles of clearing heat and alleviating pain.  If you or someone you know suffers from unbearable foot pain it just may be gout.  Call your closest Acupuncturist  and start eating your cherries, blueberries and strawberries immediately.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Tackling Tantrums

After years of treating thousands of children for illnesses including excessive temper tantrums I was stumped when my two year old was having 10 daily. We hired an expert in parenting to come do an in-home evaluation and her insights have helped us enormously. Now we are armed with skills so our younger son, who is soon to turn two, doesn't stand a chance with our seasoned techniques.

Tackle Tantrums with Skilled Parenting:
1. Speak Your Mind- We say "use your words calmly and I will listen". or "Use Your Words"

2. Turn Your Back: Without an audience this often quells the fire within. We simply walk away- no words, just action.

3. Calm the Fury: "1...2....3 Calm yourself and I will help you." If he doesn't it's to #4
4. Quiet Focus Time: We send them to their room to calm themselves down. Once calmed they may come interact again. Next tantrum Repeat. We have gotten where we can just point to their rooms and they know what to do. Again, no words...just action.

We also supplement with Omega-3 fish oil to calm their nervous system 200mg daily. For challenging weeks we give them calming herbal medicine especially formulated for tantrums. It's called "Quiet Calm" and it works very effectively for tantrums, ADD, irritability, teething and sleep disorders. To order your herbal medicine call (208) 938-1277 we can do an Herbal Consult over the phone and drop ship your order throughout the US.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Uterine Ablation- Crime or Cure

Women suffering from extreme blood flow during their menstrual cycle and beyond are turning to this relatively new technique used in allopathic medicine. Unfortunately for some the outcome is worse than the previous condition. Most sources down-play the extreme nature of this type of procedure mentioning that it is "no more risky than most things we do daily" however it it reported that here are the factual risks women willingly accept out of frustration and not knowing they have less invasive options.

Here are the risks in black and white:Some of the risks of endometrial ablation procedures are perforation of the uterus, absorbing excess fluid, bleeding, infection, injury to organs within the abdomen and pelvis, and accumulation of blood within the uterus due to scarring. Another rare, but important, concern after any endometrial ablation procedure is that it might decrease your doctor's ability to make an early diagnosis of cancer of the endometrium.

Even with all of these risks women continue to opt for this procedure proclaiming "well, at least it's not a hysterectomy".

What options do women have when they are suffering from excessive uterine bleeding? Acupuncture, herbal medicine and moxabustion are all viable, non-invasive highly effective treatments. Most women do not know that these options are available to them.

Patients should seek treatment from Licensed Acupuncturists (certified Acupuncturists only have minimal training) and Licensed Herbalists. Their expertise should be women's health or women's medical mysteries. In my practice 90% of the time I am able to stop the bleeding in one treatment. Yes, I said one treatment. After which time we need to correct the underlying imbalance causing the extra-ordinary amount of blood flow.

There are several different reasons why a women has excessive menstrual flow and it is up to the practitioner to make a diagnosis as to why.

Blood Heat with Reckless Bleeding (think fast flowing red lava)
Blood Stasis creating heavy menstrual flow (think Dam)
Vacuity Patterns (think so weak body can't hold blood appropriately)
Mixed Patterns (any of the above mixed together)

Each pattern is easily decipherable using Traditional Chinese Medical Diagnosing. Then herbal prescriptions are recommended based on the exact principles applied for acupuncture points. The moxabustion is a warming of an herb above an acupuncture point that empirically stops bleeding. In my practice I have never been unable to stop uterine bleeding. Save a women's reproductive organs today and forward them this blog. I can be reached in my private practice American Acupuncture Center in Eagle, Idaho for further information